Toyoda Gosei Group is a manufacturer in the polymer field producing rubber and resin. Our headquarters, Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd., is located in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, and we mainly manufacture and export automotive parts products to China. Among them, car interiors, brake hoses, etc. belong to the scope of CCC certification. CCIC Japan not only helped us to complete the application, but also provided very professional technical services in production and document production, in addition to helping us to complete the work of sending samples for customs clearance. A number of our Group’s factory inspections are carried out by the CQC East Asia Operations Center. Every year, the factory inspection schedule is uniformly and reasonably arranged, and the schedule of all factories is sent to us at the beginning of the year, which greatly reduces our burden. Although we conducted China CCC certification by entrusting other units before, but in fact a long time ago we want to entrust the CQC to carry out the certification. Due to the language barrier, we have not been able to achieve this, and then through the strong support and assistance of CCIC Japan, we were successfully helped to obtain the certification in CQC. We are very grateful for this.