Announcement on the Implementation of Compulsory Product Certification Management to Products using Lithium-ion Batteries by the State Administration for Market Regulation

No. 10, 2023

In accordance with the requirements of  "the Opinions from the Genral Office of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Management System of the Electronics and Electrical Industry" (State Council Document No. [2022] 31), the State Administration for Market Regulation(SAMR) has decided to implement compulsory product certification (CCC certification) to lithium-ion batteries and battery packs used in electronic and electrical products, mobile power bank, and power adapters/chargers for telecommunications terminal products (hereinafter as newly included products). The relevant requirements are as follows:

1.From August 1st, 2023, the designated certification bodies will begin accepting CCC certification for newly included products, and carry out certification work in accordance with the applicable standards listed in the "Implementation Rules of Compulsory Product Certification for Information Technology Equipment" and its annexes. From August 1st, 2024, newly included products without CCC certification certificates and certification marks shall not be manufactured shipped, sold, imported or used in other business activities. The list of designated certification bodies and laboratories for newly included products will be announced separately.
2.The scope of CCC certification for newly included products is defined in detail in the annex. Among them, as to lithium-ion batteries and battery packs used in electronic and electrical products, at present lithium-ion batteries and battery packs used in portable electronics will first be carried out to CCC certification; as to lithium-ion batteries and battery packs used in other electronic and electrical products, CCC certification will be carried out at an appropriate time.
3.Because GB31241-2022 "Safety Technical Specifications to Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries Used in Portable Electronic Products" will be enforced on January 1st, 2024, the designated certification bodies will carry out CCC certification to relevant product in accordance with this standard to reduce certification costs of enterprises .
4.The designated certification bodies and laboratories should actively adopt existing qualified assessment results to reduce the burden of enterprises and facilitate enterprise certification, while ensuring controllable certification risks and ensuring certification quality with the risks and quality of certification under control.

Annex: The scope of CCC certification for newly included products

State Administration for Market Regulation

March 14, 2023



News Source |  State Administration for Market Regulation

Translation |  China Certification & Accreditation Institute

CEPREI Certification Body

