Another major action taken by SAMR to promote the integration of domestic and foreign trade-the version change of CCC standards for audio and video equipment, information technology equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment will soon be launched

Recently, SAMR newly revised and released the mandatory national standard “audio and video, information technology and communication technology equipment-Part 1: Safety requirements”. The version change of CCC standards for audio and video equipment, information technology equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment will soon be launched.

China compulsory certification, also known as CCC, is a market access system implemented by the Chinese government for products involving human health and safety in accordance with the principles of marketization and internationalization. At present, the CCC catalogue covers 17 categories and 103 products, including audio and video equipment, information technology equipment, telecommunications terminal equipment and other electronic products that consumers closely contact and use. With the continuous deepening of the reform of CCC system, the essential attribute of “ensuring the bottom line of safety” of CCC system has become increasingly prominent, and has played an important role in promoting product quality and protecting consumer rights and interests.

Considering that after the release and implementation of the new version of the national standard, higher requirements have been put forward for the design, R & D, production and sales of electronic product manufacturers, in order to enable enterprises to obtain the CCC certificate of the new version of the standard as soon as possible and ensure the smooth entry of relevant products into the market, SAMR will focus on the following aspects in the implementation of CCC.

First, form the CCC implementation plan of changed version standard as soon as possible

Further clarify the Certification Implementation node date, the requirements for the conversion of old and new standard certificates after the release of the new version of the standard, so that enterprises can comply with it. At the same time, in order to reduce the certificate conversion cost of enterprises, SAMR is analyzing the differences between the old and new standards, striving to reduce and merge supplementary test and evaluation projects as far as possible without reducing the requirements of the standards, so as to realize the smooth transition of standard conversion.

Second, promote the certification implementation institutions to improve the level of evaluation ability

Guide the CCC designated certification bodies and laboratories of electronic products to strengthen the construction of certification and testing ability according to the requirements of the new standard, carry out internal personnel training, fully understand the requirements of the new standard, and continuously improve the accuracy, timeliness and friendliness of the service while providing enterprises with the CCC certification and testing service of the new standard as soon as possible.

Third, actively carry out the publicity and interpretation of the certification policy

By organizing online and offline system explanation meetings, making and distributing publicity brochures and other ways, take the initiative to provide electronic product manufacturers with publicity and interpretation of CCC implementation requirements and the content of standard. Here, SAMR suggests that enterprises should track and obtain the relevant policy requirements of CCC as soon as possible, and obtain the new standard certificate as soon as possible, so that their products can enter the market smoothly.

At the same time, SAMR will also continue to strengthen the supervision during and after CCC. Consolidate the main responsibilities of certification and testing institutions, constantly improve the effectiveness and credibility of certification work, strictly block products that do not meet the relevant mandatory national standards and certification requirements from the market, and create a market environment for the public to rest assured of consumption.


Recently, SAMR newly revised and released the mandatory national standard GB 4943.1-2022 “Audio and video, information technology and communication technology equipment-Part 1: Safety requirements”. The newly revised standard will further strengthen the standard support and keep the safety bottom line in order to comprehensively improve the safety assurance level of design, production, inspection, certification, sales, use and other links in these important technical equipment fields.

1. Main contents of the standard

The new version of GB 4943 national standard is applicable to “safety requirements for electronic equipment in the fields of audio and video, information and communication technology, business and office”. The audio, television, computer, printer, mobile phone and supporting charger commonly used in our life are all covered in this standard. The new GB 4943 national standard classifies hazard sources and adopts corresponding safety protection measures for different hazard sources according to the principle of safety engineering, which makes the standard structure more reasonable, the content clearer and the use more convenient. The new version of GB 4943 national standard is divided into 10 chapters and 28 appendices, with a total of more than 200000 words (207000 words), which comprehensively stipulates the safety requirements that electronic products should meet in detail. The corresponding technical requirements can be found in the standard for the safety problems of electronic products used by consumers in their daily life. The new version of GB 4943 national standard includes six types of hazard sources: electrical injury, electrical ignition, injury caused by hazardous substances, mechanical injury, thermal burns, and acousto-optic radiation, and puts forward corresponding safety requirements and test methods for these six types of hazard sources.

The new version of GB 4943 national standard fully considers the new safety risks and hidden dangers brought by new technologies, new products and new applications closely related to the safety of people’s lives and property. For example, in recent years, the security problems caused by the increasingly extensive use of wireless charging. Consumers may place metal objects such as keys and coins on the wireless charger. The wireless charger may cause high temperature of metal objects through energy transmission and bring risks such as burns and fires. For this, the new version of GB 4943 national standard clearly requires that wireless chargers should have the function of identifying metal objects and stopping energy transmission to objects in time. For example, with the popularity of multimedia functions of electronic devices, mobile phones, headsets, Bluetooth headsets and other products with the function of personal music players are favored by consumers. However, if the volume of headphones is too high or the listening time is too long when wearing headphones, it will damage user’s hearing. The new version of GB 4943 national standard puts forward safety requirements from the aspects of earphone sound pressure level limit, which ensures the hearing health of consumers. For example, the new version of GB 4943 national standard requires that when the cumulative value exceeds the specified limit within a certain period of time, the electronic product should give a warning and ask the user to confirm it. If it is not confirmed, it will automatically reduce to a safe volume.For another example, more and more portable electronic products use rechargeable batteries for power supply, which brings safety hazards such as overheating, burns, fluid leakage, explosion, and endangers the personal and property safety of the people. The new version of GB 4943 national standard focuses on the safety of batteries, stipulates the safety requirements for overcharge protection, temperature protection, shell fire protection, fall protection and so on, and fully considers the short circuit of the battery by metal objects such as keys and necklaces, as well as the safety problems of liquid leakage, combustion, explosion and so on caused by the above problems.

2. Differences between old and new versions of standards

Compared with the current national standards, the new version of GB 4943 national standard will replace the previous two mandatory national standards GB 4943.1-2011 “Information technology equipment safety-Part 1: General requirements” and GB 8898-2011 “Audio, video and similar electronic equipment-safety requirements”. Compared with the previous standard, the new standard mainly has the following differences.

First, the scope of application of the standard is different. The new version of GB 4943 national standard will incorporate the scope of application of the previous version of GB 4943.1-2011 and GB 8898-2011, covering audio and video equipment, information technology equipment and communication technology equipment, which is often referred to as “electronic products”. The new version of GB 4943 national standard is more in line with the development trend of continuous integration of equipment, covers the scope of three categories of equipment, and gives a unified safety framework and minimum safety baseline requirements. Therefore, the new version of GB 4943 national standard can better meet the current industry development needs.

Second, energy source classification and personnel classification are proposed. The new version of GB 4943 national standard classifies the energy source of the product and classifies the degree of injury caused by the energy source into three levels: “can be felt without pain”, “pain, but do not cause injury” and “cause injury”. For example, for the parts of electronic products with higher power level (energy source level) and easier to catch fire due to heating, materials with higher fire rating are required to be used for protection. The standard also divides the corresponding personnel into three categories according to their awareness and coping ability of daily contact with these products. Different categories of personnel have different awareness and coping ability of hazards, so different safety protection measures are adopted for different personnel and different energy source levels. For those parts that may cause serious injury to personnel without professional knowledge, double safety protection is adopted, while the same danger requires only general safety protection for professional technicians. The design of energy source classification, personnel classification and targeted safety protection measures of different levels adopted in the new version of GB 4943 national standard is more scientific and reasonable. This can not only ensure the bottom line of safety, but also prevent the function reduction and cost increase caused by excessive protection.

3. Differences with international standards

The new version of GB 4943 national standard adopts the International Standard IEC 62368-1:2018 third edition. At the same time, based on the actual situation of China’s geographical environment, climatic conditions and power supply system, China’s technical differences are introduced on the basis of in-depth investigation and experimental verification, mainly including the following points.

First, based on the particularity of the power supply and distribution conditions of Chinese buildings, electronic products cannot completely rely on the protection devices in building facilities to get protection. In the new version of GB 4943 national standard, stricter safety protection measures are adopted, requiring electronic products to have corresponding overcurrent protection devices, and isolation measures are required for protective and signal places.

Second, based on the particularity of China’s geographical conditions, technical differences in safety requirements are added. For example, international standards are mainly formulated for areas below 2000m above sea level, while nearly one third of China's land area is above 2000m above sea level, and a large number of people live there. Where the air is thinner, electrical breakdown is more likely to occur, resulting in electric shock injury. In order for the people in high altitude areas to use electronic products safely, the new version of GB 4943 national standard requires stricter requirements on air insulation when designing and manufacturing electronic products.

Third, based on the particularity of China’s climate conditions, technical differences in safety requirements have been added. Considering that China has a large area of tropical climate, and the high temperature and humidity under this climate will reduce the insulation performance of materials, the new version of GB 4943 national standard fully considers the impact of this tropical climate and introduces corresponding technical differences to ensure the safety of electronic products used by consumers in China’s tropical climate areas.

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GB 4943.1-2022 compulsory national standard  “Audio and video, information technology and communication technology equipment-Part 1: safety requirements”

Source of information: CNCA